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Research papers Vaci2015
4.2 Water Balance Tool The Water Balance Tool is used to calculate the water quantities of the Water Management Units (WMUs). It identifies water deficit and surplus of a WMU by contrasting water resources and water demands of water users. Values are calculated on a monthly base and for the…
2.2 Second round of workshops The second workshops were held one year after the first ones. In order to prepare the stakeholders for holistic discussions on the vulnerability patterns and climate change adaptation measures, the project developed a questionnaire that was sent out to all participating stakeholders prior to the…
2.2 Participation Public participation can be defined as: “the process by which public concerns, needs, and values are incorporated into governmental and corporate decision making.” (Creighton, 2005, 7). Although there are some efforts dating back from the late 1960s to measure the extent of public participation in planning, such as…
2.4 Adaptivity of planning The concept of adaptivity in planning refers to the extent to which plans are robust across a range of plausible futures (Walker et al., 2001). Adaptivity could thus be seen as some sort of sensitivity analysis for the policies and is therefore useful for assessing the…
Table 3:Some projects linking remote sensing and citizen science Projects’ Name Lead Organization Description Dealing with cyclone Nargis in Burma (2008) GISCorps & UNOSAT Community remote sensing was successfully applied to make emergency responses and identify the aftermath damage caused by cyclone Nargis in Burma, this is an example of community…
3. APPLICATION OF REMOTE SENSING IN WATER MONITORING Remote sensing with its advantages of spatial, spectral and temporal availability of data covering large and inaccessible areas within short time has become water resources. Satellite data provides quick and useful baseline information on the parameters as geology, geomorphology, land use/cover, occurrence…
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